How did you get to where you are today? How did you find success in your business or life in general? Chances are that you didn’t do it all on your own. There are people out there who were a part of your journey whether big or small and contributed to your achievements Have you taken the time to thank them?
Donald Trump said in one of his books that you have to be nice to everyone on your way to the top because you never know when you are going to come back down—which has happened to him. He said that if he had burned all those seemingly little people, than they wouldn’t have been there to help when he fell hardest, and he’s right. There are people we deal with on a daily basis who have very little impact on us. Even if it is a receptionist that pointed you in the right direction, be sure to genuinely thank them for their help because you never know the powers they hold; and from an unselfish motive, it is common courtesy, and you will most likely make their day by making them feel a little more appreciated.
I love writing thank you notes because it makes me stop and realize how truly blessed I am for things people do for me. Though some know there are times I write them and forget to send them! Sometimes I find them in my desk a few months later…better late than never right??
When someone does something for you, expected or not, always follow up with a thank you because it is a relationship builder. Everything moves so quickly these days with e-mail and other technologies that it is easy to move on and forgot. Taking the time to pause and show your appreciation will show that that person matters to you, and they will be willing to do it for you again. The amount of those that use this simple gesture is becoming so rare that it will make you stand out, sadly but fortunately for you in some cases!
Has anyone ever thanked you for something that completely surprised you because the thing you did was so insignificant to you but had tremendous effects (or affects? I always confuse those words) on them??