This last week’s new craft adventure was well…an adventure. I decided to bring back the Mod Podge, which I haven’t seen since elementary school. I wanted to make a birthday gift for my brother’s girlfriend because she is always really thoughtful and puts a lot of personal touches into gifts. I found this for a homemade picture frame, and thought it would be easy! I decided to stay in on a rainy night and work on it, and the Mod Podge dried really murky. I later found out that it is very sensitive to humidity. I also read somewhere else that someone said to try decoupage instead of Mod Podge, and I didn’t realize that Mod Podge is decoupage. So after an adventure at Michael’s of looking for decoupage that is not Mod Podge and the confused faces of people at Home Depot who ended up talking me into buying a clear floor finish and assuring me it dries clear (It doesn’t) I decided to give Mod Podge another shot. On a sunny yet freezing Southern California day, I had success!! The frame came together beautifully On the day I wrapped it and gave it to her, I was horrified to find a tiny crack, but I had no choice but to give it to her anyway! She swears she loves it! She was a good sport about being a victim for my crafting adventures!
Here is a photo of the finished product: Tutorial